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One Demon Book In Editing

It’s my first book.. Well, the first book out finish. did start a different book in 2021. That book was a time travel book. I’m never doing that again. Time travel is a way to confuse your mind. On the other hand I may go back finish that book and delve into that book all right. For now, I’m working on this demon possession book.


Of course that’s a little bit weird. It isn’t a horror story. Originally it was going to be a four-story but something happened. One night when it was windy and dark at 9:30 PM I did some research. Google helped me find a website that had the information I needed. I had decided I needed to know what demons sounded like. That was a bad idea. I found a website with sound recordings from some basement in New Hampshire. They claimed that this was the sound of demons or angels that had fallen. I scared the be Jesus out of myself. I ended up laying in bed with the lights on and holding 2 sticks and across.  That was the night I determined that I would never be a horror novelist.


So now this particular book is an urban fantasy. It still has a demon possession but this is not a scary demon possession. There are demons running around possessing people and killing people. There demons but they don’t really make those kinds of sounds.


So this whole book has become a lot different from the original imagination that I had. I do have some people to thank for that. These are people that I met at the 20 books Vegas conference in 2021. It was the last night of the conference. I took this idea that I had 20 years ago and went and crashed the dinner that the horror and thriller novelists were having. I had intended just to give them the idea and let them go with it. They weren’t having it. A couple of them sat with me and went over what my idea was. And we walked through the story line that could potentially become a book. I went upstairs that night and wrote everything down and made this very loose synopsis. And I fully intended to write it when I got back home.


But that didn’t happen. All because I looked up with demons sound like. No more demons for me.


If you want to find out more about my demon possession book, you can follow me on Facebook or sign up for my newsletter.

Published inDemon Books


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